
Also if your following the UK electoral horror show, this interview in Middleeast Eye with Andrew Feinstein is incredible. Very shocking - but not surprising - to hear his anecdote ( in the first 10 minutes, we think ) that while Labor party can spend millions on Starmer's campaign, Feinstein is only allowed to spend something like 15.000 pounds. While NOT pointless to challenge this rigged game, it shows just how corrupt the game is ! In any case, fight like hell Andrew ! Incredible if he can pull it off, and still vital that his voice is in the ring even if he doesn't defeat the Starmer / Labor sham basket case !


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Wow ! Our XLt Substack piece on post-democracies isn't any where near the level of Cailtin's new text ( very much on the same wavelength ) which dives into analyzing more specificly US elections... this is an important read for anyone who works hard on electoral campaigns, media activism AND/OR anyone looking for what the fuk do we do now !?? ... What we love about her writing, is that she has no need for academic-speak, she goes straight to the HEART of the matter ! ( and for the jugular vein, as they say in 'ninja-speak' ) ... A MUST READ ! ... https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/when-the-powerful-control-public

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